CS 235 final topics Chapter 15 How are add/remove/find/set/get implemented on an array list? What happens when the array in an array list becomes full? How do you implement an iterator on an array list? What's the Big-Oh for add/remove/find/set/get on an array list? Chapter 16 How are push/pop implemented on an array stack? How are push/pop implemented on a linked-list stack? How are enqueue/dequeue implemented on an array queue? How are enqueue/dequeue implemented on a linked-list queue? What's the Big-Oh for push/pop/enqueue/dequeue? Chapter 17 How are add/remove/find/set/get implemented on a linked list? How do you implement an iterator on a linked list? What's the Big-Oh for add/remove/find/set/get on a linked list? How are links set when inserting/deleting first/middle/last node in single/double linked-list? Chapter 18 Show how a tree can be represented using first-child/next-sibling. What's the height/depth of nodes in a tree? What's the preorder/postorder/inorder listing of nodes in a tree? How can recursive methods traverse a tree and compute various results? How do you implement preorder/levelorder iterators on a tree? How can an arithmetic expression be represented using a tree? Chapter 19 What's a valid BST based on the order property? How do you find/add/remove something in a BST? What's the Big-Oh for add/remove/find on a BST? What's a valid AVL-BST based on the balance property? How do you find/add/remove something in an AVL-BST? What's the Big-Oh for add/remove/find on an AVL-BST? How do you implement Set/Map using a BST? Chapter 20 How do you find/add/remove something in a hash table? What's a good/bad hash function? How do you resolve collisions using linear/quadratic probing? How do you resolve collisions using chaining? What's the Big-Oh for add/remove/find on hash table? How do you implement Set/Map using a hash table? Chapter 21 What's a valid heap based on the structure property? What's a valid heap based on the order property? How is a heap stored in an array? How do you insert/findMin/deleteMin on a min heap? How do you insert/findMax/deleteMax on a max heap? How does buildHeap make a heap? How does heapsort sort an array? What's the Big-Oh for insert/findMin/deleteMin? What's the Big-Oh for insert/findMax/deleteMax? What's the Big-Oh for buildHeap/heapsort?